Today's promotions and deals on Minea valid from March till April 2025

20% Off Minea using Coupon AST20

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Register for Minea through our link, then:

  • Enter promo code AST20 during checkout
  • Complete payment
  • Score 20% off your Minea subscription

AST20 Get Code
95.7 % Success

Unlock 250 credits as a new Minea user

free credits Expires N/A
Follow our link to join Minea for free, then: Check ema...More

Follow our link to join Minea for free, then:

  • Check email to verify address
  • Enjoy 250 credits as a welcome bonus

Claim Credits
93.5 % Success

Subscribe to Minea now for $49/mo

Deal Expires N/A
Visit our link to transition to a paid Minea subscripti...More

Visit our link to transition to a paid Minea subscription for $49 Less

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96.7 % Success

20% off Minea (Yearly Plan)

yearly discount Expires N/A
Register for Minea through our link, then: Pick annual ...More

Register for Minea through our link, then:

  • Pick annual billing during checkout
  • Complete payment
  • Get 20% off each year on Minea

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98.3 % Success

Minea In-Depth Review

Welcome to the most detailed review on Minea where we explain Minea's prices, alternative services, and features. We include screenshots and step-by-step instructions. We cover the Generate for Shopify feature, Magic Search feature, and how to get a free lifetime Minea account.


  • Spy on Ads
    • Facebook Ads
    • Pinterest Ads
    • TikTok Ads
  • Browse by
    • Ads
    • Shops
    • Influencers
    • Promotions
  • Magic Search
  • Success Radar
  • Minea Club
    • Events
    • Courses
    • Community
    • Coaching
  • Available in four Languages:
    • English
    • French
    • Portuguese
    • Spanish
  • Premium Lists
  • Product Of  The Day
  • Unlock Credits
  • Tell a Friend
  • Notifications - Receive daily email notifications on 3 winning products analysed.

After signing up for a free Minea account you will see that the UI looks clean and intuitive with a clear top navigation bar:Top Navigation

Speed-wise, the platform is very responsive,  no lagging and no weird bugs.


Minea offers three plans: Starter, Premium and Business.

You can subscribe monthly, quarterly or yearly. Save money when subscribing quarterly or yearly.

Monthly Billing

Monthly Billing

Quarterly Billing

Save 21% on Minea when switching to quarterly billing.

Quarterly Billing

Yearly Billing

You can save 30% on Minea when switching to a yearly plan.

Yearly Plan

Browse Ads

The flagship feature is to spy on ads, and Minea allows you to find ads for Facebook, Pinterest and TikTok.

By default it shows the Last seen ads  with unlimited scroll.

Ad Results

Enter any keyword to find the ads you're looking for:

Keyword Search

It takes only a few seconds for the results to come up. You can sort these ad results ascending/descending by:

  • Creation date
  • First seen
  • Running time
  • Likes
  • Shares
  • Comments
  • Love
  • Haha
  • Sorry
  • Anger
  • Wow

Ad Sorting Methods

Quick Filters

Below the keyword input field there are four quick filter buttons:

Quick Filters

  • Weekly winners - Shows ads from the past week that had good results like high clicks or conversions. Useful for finding ads people responded to recently.
  • Best of the month - Highlights outstanding ads from the past month that performed very well across important metrics. Great for identifying really successful ad images or targeting approaches.
  • Season cash machine - Shows ads optimized for seasonal events like Back to School or December holidays that reliably do well every year during those busy times.
  • Recent dropshipping - Displays recently added ads that use the direct-to-consumer retail method. Could help get product ideas to market through online ads.
  • Q4 winners of 2022 - Shows top-converting holiday ads from last 2025 to showcase promo images and strategies that resonated with holiday shoppers during last year's important season. Learn what worked in 2025 when planning 2023 holiday promos.

These quick filters are available when you browse ads by Facebook, Pinterest and TikTok.

Clicking on any ad will display a quick view lightbox:

Ad Quickview

You can click on "See more" to view all ad details. Additionally you can click 'Save" to add the ad to on of your personal lists.

Ad Details

The ad details page shows tons of data:

  • Ad copy
    • Description
    • Likes
    • Comments
    • Shares
    • Link to actual product page
    • Link to actual ad post
  • Ad information
    • Status
    • Shop
    • Language
    • Running for
    • Created at
    • First seen
    • Last seen
  • Product
    • Audience
    • Audience countries
    • Audience age
    • Audience gender
    • Ad timeline
  • Magic search: displays similar products across all three platforms

There's a few action buttons on top:

  • Generate for shopify - absolutely powerful time saving feature, it generates complete product details using AI which you can then export to your Shopify or as CSV.
  • Find suppliers
  • See shop page
  • Save ad to a list

Ad Details

Browse Facebook Ads

Minea allows you to filter Facebook ads by one of the 12 types of filters:

Standard Filters

  • Dates - Allows you to filter ads by date range when they were active. Useful for analyzing trends over time.
  • Media Type - Filter by the type of ad creative, such as image, video, carousel, collection, etc. Helpful for analyzing performance differences between creative types.
  • CTA - Filter by the call-to-action used in the ads, such as Shop Now, Learn More, Apply Now. Useful for seeing top performing CTAs.
  • Ecommerce Platform - Filter by the ecommerce platform used by the advertiser, such as Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento. Helpful for benchmarking ads from stores using the same platform as you.
  • Languages - Filter ads by language to analyze performance by locale.

Ecommerce Platform Filter

  • Shopify
  • WooCommerce
  • Cart Functionality
  • Magento
  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Engagement Filter

  • Likes
  • Comments
  • Shares
  • Reactions

Advanced Filter

  • Target audience - Age and Gender
  • Countries - 23 countries or 3 continents
  • Is Dropshipping - Whether the ad is for a dropshipping product

Browse Facebook Ads

Browse Pinterest Ads

Pinterest is another social media platform that is becoming more popular. Compared to Facebook, there are fewer advertisers on Pinterest right now.

This makes Pinterest a good opportunity for advertisers. Since there is less competition from other advertisers, it may be easier for ads to get attention.

Luckily for you,  Minea  also supports research ads on Pinterest.

The system works the same as when you search Facebook Ads, with just some minor differences in filters and sorting methods that are specific to Pinterest only.

Quick filters

Same as with Facebook Ads:

  • Weekly winners
  • Best of the month
  • Season cash machine
  • Recent dropshipping
  • Q4 winners of 2022

Standard Filters

  • Dates
  • Media Type
  • Ecommerce Platform
  • Languages

Engagement Filters

  • Pins
  • Saves
  • Comments

Browse Pinterest Ads

Sorting methods

Pinterest Sorting

Browse TikTok Ads

Browse Tiktok Ads

Filter by engagement:

  • Likes
  • Comments
  • Plays
  • Forwards
  • Downloads

You can enter the min, max values for the engagement or choose one of the pre-filled suggestions:

  • Low engagement: min 10, max 100
  • Medium engagement: min 100, max 1000
  • High engagement: min 1000, max 10000

Engagement Filter

Advanced filters:

  • Countries
  • Is dropshipping

Browse Shops

One of the useful features is the the ability to to view ads across all three platforms in one place grouped per shop. You can use this to your advantage by promoting popular products of an advertiser on a platform where the advertiser is not active yet.

Browse Shops

You can quickly filter on the following types of shops:

  • Facebook experts - Recent shops that generated engagement on Facebook Ads.
  • TikTok experts -  Recent shops that generated engagement on TikTok ads.
  • High ticket stores - Recent shops that sell high ticket products.
  • Dropshipping stores - Shops that are dropshipping products to customers.
  • Mono product drop stores - Shops that only sell one type of product with dropshipping.

Shops Quick Filteres

Browse Products

To get access to the products, you need to be on the Business plan.

Browse Products

Browse Influencers

Minea is the only spy tool that has the ability to browse ads by influencer.

You can filter the influencers by:

  • Category
  • Followers
  • Countries
  • Langauges
  • Influencer gender
  • Target audience

Browse Influencers

Clicking on an influencer will show a lightbox with more information:

Influencer Quick View

Plus, it shows their latest promotions and activity:

Latest Promotions And Activity

Click on "Save" to add this influencer to one of your lists:

Save Influencer

Click on "See more" to get a more detailed view:

Influencer Detailed

You can see their audience details:

Influencer Audience

Plus, all of their promotions:

Promotions By Influencer

Which you can sort by:

  • Creation date
  • Country
  • Followers
  • Shop name
  • Influencer handle

Sort Promotions

Lastly, you can find all of the shops they have advertised products for:

Influencer Shops Advertized

Browse Promotions

Instead of browsing by influencers, you can also browse by promotions made by influencers:

Browse Promotions

You can then filter this by:

  • Category
  • Ecommerce Platform
  • Followers
  • Social Platform
  • Countries

Sorting the promotions can be done by:

  • Creation date
  • Country
  • Followers
  • Shop name
  • Influencer handle

Promotions Sorting Method

Minea's Power Feature #1: Generate for Shopify

You can generate product for shopify from any ad you see in Minea. To start, simply click on the "Generate for Shopify" button in the top right corner of the ad details page:

Ad Actions

Minea will immediately start generating titles using AI and you can pick on of the suggestions you like:

Generate Title

Next, you can select up to 3 product features:

Generate Features

If you want you can always  modify them. Click on "Save & continue" when you are satisfied and you will see Minea generated a product description:

Generate Product Description

Finally, select the images you would like to include for your product:

Select Images

After you're done with the product details, you can then one-click import it to Shopify (soon) or export to CSV.

To import it to Shopify you have to connect your Shopify store first.

Import Rpoduct Shopify

Isn't that amazing? Minea is not your average spy tool. I have never seen this feature before, it is absolutely time saving.

Minea's Power Feature #2: Find suppliers

The second most powerful feature in Minea is the easy way to find suppliers for a product you're interested in selling.

Simply click on "Find suppliers" on the Ad Quick View or Ad Detail Page and choose from "Find on Zendrop" or "Find on AliExpress" to find the product on those chosen platforms.

Find Suppliers

The third most powerful features of Minea is Magic Search which allows you to search by text or image and then Minea will find all the advertisers on multiple platforms who are selling the same product.

Magic Search

Here's how you can use this to your advantage:

  • Price comparisons
    Since Magic Search finds the same product being sold by multiple advertisers across platforms, you can easily compare prices and find the best deal. This saves you time from having to search each site separately.
  • Discover new retailers
    The search may reveal retailers or sites selling the product that you weren't previously aware of. This gives you more options to choose from.
  • Identify product variations or alternatives
    Even if it's the exact same product, the search results may show it in different colors, sizes, etc. Or it may show very similar products that you may prefer over what you originally searched for.
  • Research product reviews and ratings
    Once you see all the options where it's being sold, you can start checking out customer reviews and ratings on those various sites to get more insight into real experiences with that product.
  • Confirm availability
    By casting a wider net across multiple advertising platforms, you may find an in-stock retailer even when the product shows sold out on another site. This could allow you to get the product sooner if you need it quickly.

The key advantages are more choice, more information, better pricing transparency, and being able to apply different filters to narrow your options. Using images for visual search also removes guesswork and makes finding the exact product easier.

Minea's Power Feature #4: Unlock Free Lifetime Account

Lastly, probably one of the reasons why Minea is so popular is that you can invite your friends to unlock certain perks.

Whenever you invite your friend by email or using a personalized coupon code that is automatically generated for you, your friend will get 15% off on Minea, not too shabby huh?

Unlock Free Lifetime Account

After you got your first referral, you get 10k credits which you can use to browse ads and unlock premium lists.

Next, by the time you reach 3 referrals you get a whopping 30% discount for life on your Minea subscription.

And last but not least, at  10 referrals you get the unbelievable perk and that is  a free Minea account for life!

Imagine how much you will save if you reach the last perk. That would be in the thousands, which you can spent on ad costs instead.

Success Radar

The success radar is available on the Minea Business plan and gives you access to successful products based on their algorithm and is updated on a daily base.

Success Radar

How Does The Minea Credits System Work?

You need credits to search on Minea. Different searches cost different amounts of credits. If you have a paid account, you can buy more credits on the pricing page. You can also get free credits by inviting friends to join Minea.

Here's what each type of action costs in credits:

ActionCredit CostsDescriptionType
Search10Every time you make a searchSearch
Details page20Every time you open a details pageDetails
Generate for Shopify0Every time you start a generation for a Shopify storeIA
Magic Search10Every time you make a search on the magic searchIA
Success Radar0Every time you use the success radarProducts

When you spent credits by using the platform, you collect points. These points give you access to certain perks like premium lists.

Premium and Personal Lists

The premium lists are kind of a bonus system. You can unlock these lists by using the platform more. Each time you do a search or view an ad, you spent credits. These credits you spent are tracked. Once spent enough credits you can unlock access to these premium lists.

At the moment these are the lists you can unlock:

  • Top 100 winning products to sell on Facebook - 100 items
  • Top 100 winning products to sell on Tiktok - 100 items
  • Top 100 trendy Ecommerce shops - 5k credits required, 100 items
  • Top 100 winning products to sell on Pinterest - 10k credits required, 100 items

Premium Lists

Personal Lists

You can create your own list and add products that you've found to it so you can access it anytime.

To create your list, simply click on "My lists" in the top navigation on the right, then click on "Create list".

Create List

Here's what your personal list looks like:

List View

After you've added some ads to it, you can then filter the list by:

  • Facebook Ads
  • TikTok Ads
  • Pinterest Ads
  • Shops
  • Products

Top 10 Daily Products

You can access the daily top 10 products on Facebook, Pinterest and TikTok, straight from your dashboard after you're logged in.

Top 10 Dialy Products

Additionally, you can get notified by email whenever this list updates. Just click on the "Get notified" button in the top right corner and then fill in your email address in the popup:

Get Notified Hot Products

Minea Club

The community portal is called Minea Club where you can learn and ask questions or post topics together with other Minea users.

To join the club, you must create a separate account. The reason for this is  so that everyone can get access without having a premium subscription.

Minea Club

There are also some private spaces  which you need to invited for to get access, for example:

  • The Kickstart Blueprint
  • Coaching

Course: Learn to use Minea

In this section you can learn in 1.5 hour how to use Minea with video lessons.



The toolbox section is  list of tools divided into categories that are useful to launch, grow and optimize your eCom business. It is maintained by Minea and each tool is verified by their experts.



In the tutorials section you find about 30+ videos from influencers explain how to use Minea. Some videos are in French and Spanish, but most are in English.



In summary, Minea is a very useful online tool for people who sell products online, especially dropshippers. It has features like Magic Search and Success Radar that help you find popular and successful products to sell. You can also see what kinds of online ads your competitors are running.

Minea also rewards users who refer others by offering lifetime discounts and free access.

For anyone looking to find bestselling items to sell, compare themselves against competitors, or grow their online sales business faster, Minea provides great value by combining visual search, community recommendations, and advertising information.

As Minea expands into areas like influencer marketing, it continues to be an essential tool for online sellers.

Minea Coupon Details

Primary Category Spy Tools
Affiliate Program Available
Active Coupons/Promotions 4
Promotion Code AST20 (20% off)
Coupon Code Stacks on Yearly Discount Yes
Date Published 2024-01-15 19:47:40
Date Modified 2025-03-10 06:14:56

Screenshot of Minea

Screenshot of the Minea website
Website of Minea (Image credits: Minea)

Minea Alternatives

There are a few alternatives to Minea if you are looking to spy on Facebook ads or just e-commerce or dropshipping ads in general for any platform. You can check out these alternative tools to synergize or replace Minea:

1. Minea vs AdSpy

Read AdSpy Review

Adspy is the best alternative of Minea if you are looking for Facebook ads only.

Pricing: Adspy offers a free trial with 6,000 credits, similar to Minea's 250 ad credit trial. After the free trial, you can subscribe to their premium plan for $149, or $99 if you use our exclusive coupon code AC50.

Adspy works on a simple unlimited usage model (subject to a Fair Use Policy), with just one premium plan available. Minea uses a credit system with three separate tiers - Starter, Premium, and Business.

Try AdSpy | Learn more about AdSpy

2. Minea vs BigSpy

Read BigSpy Review

While Minea only focuses on Facebook, Pinterest and TikTok ads, BigSpy also supports researching ads on platforms like AdMob, Google, Yahoo, YouTube, and Unity.

Pricing: Minea offers a free trial with 250 ad credits, whereas BigSpy offers a 3-day trial for $1 with unlimited search queries.

BigSpy's plan that is equivalent to Minea's entry plan is a bit more expensive at $99/month vs $59 with Minea.

Try BigSpy | Learn more about BigSpy

3. Minea vs PowerAdSpy

Read PowerAdSpy Review

PowerAdSpy is similar to BigSpy and covers the same ad platforms as Minea. However, PowerAdSpy also supports additional platforms like Google, YouTube, Native, Reddit and Quora ads. To access ads from all these platforms though, you need to subscribe to their highest-tier Palladium plan which costs $399 per month.

Pricing: The free version of PowerAdSpy gives you access to all features and platforms but with limited searches, like Minea's free ad credits. This allows you to try out the key functions before upgrading.

You can also get a 3-day trial of the Basic plan for just $1. This unlocks additional searches and features.

The Standard plan and higher tiers cost $7 for a 3-day trial. These plans offer the full suite of tools with unlimited searches, depending on the tier you choose.

Click "Learn More" below to view details on the 6 paid PowerAdSpy plans, including features and pricing for each. As you upgrade, you get increased search limits, more ad platforms, and additional competitive intelligence capabilities.

Try PowerAdSpy | Learn more about PowerAdSpy

Minea Integrations

Here is a list of tools that are integrated with Minea or have great synergy when used together with Minea:

Minea integrated with Zendrop

Read Zendrop Review

You can use Zendrop to easily find the exact suppliers for the products that you find in Minea.

Try Zendrop | Learn more about Zendrop

🎁 Get a head start with Minea - receive 250 credits on sign up!