Today's promotions and deals on EverBee valid from March till April 2025

$360 EverBee Coupon (Business Plan Yearly Plan)

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Follow our link to sign up for EverBee, then:

  • Choose yearly billing on payment page
  • Choose the Business Plan plan
  • Provide payment details
  • Enjoy $360 savings annually with EverBee

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95.7 % Success

$120 EverBee Coupon (Growth Plan Yearly Plan)

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Register for EverBee through our link, then: Pick annua...More

Register for EverBee through our link, then:

  • Pick annual billing during checkout
  • Choose the Growth Plan plan
  • Complete payment
  • Get $120 off each year on EverBee

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95.2 % Success

Enjoy 10 searches per month for free when you join EverBee

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Use our exclusive link for a no-cost EverBee account, t...More

Use our exclusive link for a no-cost EverBee account, then:

  • Confirm your email
  • Get 10 searches per month on us

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Sign up now for EverBee at $29/mo

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Tap our link to move to a professional EverBee plan for...More

Tap our link to move to a professional EverBee plan for the low $29 Less

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95.9 % Success

30% discount on EverBee (Yearly Plan)

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Follow our link to sign up for EverBee, then: Choose ye...More

Follow our link to sign up for EverBee, then:

  • Choose yearly billing on payment page
  • Provide payment details
  • Enjoy 30% savings annually with EverBee

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99.3 % Success

Tags Widget

The Tags Widget in EverBee shows you the keyword, monthly search volume, and competition for tags that competitors are using in their Etsy listings. This allows you to research which keywords have high search volume that your competitors are already ranking for.

You can then optimize your own titles and tags to target those same high-volume, low-competition keywords. For example, if you see a tag for "boho wall hanging" that has 500 monthly searches and low competition, you can add that exact tag to your own listing to rank for those 500 searches.

Optimizing your tags and titles based on actual data from the Tags Widget, rather than guessing, will help you drive more targeted traffic to your shop. You'll reach customers already searching for those terms on Etsy, leading to more sales.

EverBee vs Sale Samurai

EverBee Coupon Details

Primary Category Etsy Ads Spy Tool
Affiliate Program Available
Active Coupons/Promotions 5
Promotion Code AW20 (25% off)
Coupon Code Stacks on Yearly Discount Yes
Date Published 2024-01-15 19:47:39
Date Modified 2025-03-08 16:34:31

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Screenshot of the EverBee website
Website of EverBee (Image credits: EverBee)
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